Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are grouped under four main titles; coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease that occurs in the form of stroke, peripheral artery disease and aortic aneurysm.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular diseases are responsible for the deaths of 18 million people worldwide each year and 31% of the annual global deaths. Heart attack and stroke (paralysis), on the other hand, are approximately 85% of death causes due to these cardiovascular diseases. To avoid the risk, it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to have regular doctor check-ups.
Although it is not possible to change some risk factors such as family history, age and gender, you can prevent future heart problems by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
A study published by researchers at Cardiff University to investigate the effect of environmental factors on chronic diseases showed that a healthy diet, regular exercise, low body weight, a smoking-free and low-alcohol lifestyle reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, especially heart diseases.
It is recommended to stay away from saturated fats and trans fats, to adopt a diet rich in omega-3, and to reduce salt consumption by increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Do not neglect your regular doctor check-ups, especially if you are in the risk group.